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Missions and Visions

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ICCS is dedicated to achieving its mission by delivering high-quality education programs. Cultivating faith isn’t merely a matter of emotion; it’s an educational pursuit grounded in knowledge and comprehension.

Similarly, nurturing Christian leaders is a deliberate undertaking, founded on knowledge and solid principles. To establish a strong foundation, it’s crucial to offer a serious, in-depth, and impartial exploration of the Christian faith and its reasoning. Consequently, the institution is committed to involving every student in a thorough examination of the biblical text.

We envision a Christ-centered college dedicated to transforming the lives of students through education firmly grounded in the teachings of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to provide high-quality Christian education that is both affordable and accessible.

Our primary focus is on educating students with the purpose of equipping them to share the Gospel of Christ. We are committed to helping our students discover and utilize their God-given talents, not only for personal growth but also to positively impact their fellow students and society as a whole. Through the power of Christian education, we aim to instill values of righteousness, truth, faith, and servanthood in our students.



Our aim is to foster faith by emphasizing both a deep understanding of the biblical text and personal spiritual growth. We seek to prepare Christian leaders by providing students with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively serve in leadership roles within the Christian community.

At ICCS, we are committed to:

  • Providing academic programs that foster personal, spiritual, and professional growth for students.
  • Presenting biblical scripture in a positive light.
  • Delivering post-secondary academic programs of exceptional quality.
  • Developing and sustaining educational programs and services with a global perspective suitable for international instruction.
  • Maintaining an open system that welcomes seekers without hindrance to exploration.
  • Operating in alignment with the values espoused in the gospel of Jesus Christ.
  • Ensuring the security of our students.
  • Offering affordable programs that are within reach for students.
  • Providing accessible programs for all students.
  • Supporting student progress through a caring and dedicated system of individual contacts with staff and volunteers.
  • Conducting institutional business with utmost efficiency.



Since our establishment, we’ve made significant progress in realizing our vision of a college deeply rooted in the principles of Jesus Christ. Our achievements include:

Affordable Christian Education: We’ve consistently offered a high-quality Christian higher education experience at an affordable rate, allowing many individuals who wouldn’t typically have access to attend a traditional Christian college to pursue a faith-based education that aligns with their values.

Equipping Future Leaders: We’ve effectively educated and prepared our students to serve as ambassadors of Christ, committed to sharing the Gospel and enriching lives through their God-given talents. Our alumni are actively making a positive impact in communities worldwide.

Community Outreach and Humanitarian Efforts: Our dedication to community outreach and humanitarian initiatives has led to numerous projects benefiting those in need. From local service endeavors to international missions, our students and alumni are actively involved in fostering positive change.

Foundation in Christian Values: Our educational programs are rooted in core values such as righteousness, truth, faith, servanthood, and the Holy Word of God. This ensures that our graduates possess a profound understanding of Christian principles and are committed to embodying them in their lives.

As we continue our journey, we remain steadfast in fulfilling our mission and expanding our influence. We eagerly anticipate further growth and impact in the future. to further accomplishments that align with our vision of a Christ-centered educational institution.


Background Statement

Our mission is to advance the Gospel of Jesus Christ, recognizing the significance of sharing His message as expressed in Romans 10:14-15: “And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach, except they be sent? As it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!”

In acknowledgment of God’s love and purpose for us, International Christian College and Seminary responds to His call by spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ globally, with a particular focus on third world countries. As a tax-exempt (501 c-3) bilingual Bible College situated in Orlando, Florida, our initial years have been dedicated to crafting a compelling Christian curriculum. Our students pursue Associate, Bachelor, and Doctorate degrees, aiming for a life of holy Christian living while extending their compassion towards the needs of others. ICCS is honored to support and assist those dedicated to this pursuit.