Call: 877-391-3741

Masters’ Degree


Master of Christian Contemporary Music

Master of Christian Education

Master of Christian Grant Writing

Master of Christian Leadership

Master of Church Growth

Master of Church Planting

Master of Crusade Evangelism Ministry

Master of Divinity (M.Div.)

Master of Divinity in Christian Counseling

Master of Exegetical Theology (M.E.T.)

Master of Ministry (M.Min.)

Master of Ministry in Christian Counseling

Master of Pastoral Ministry (M.P.M.)

Master of Pulpit Ministry

Master of Religious Education

Master of T.V. & Radio Evangelism

Master of Theology (M.Th.)

Our courses are 100% correspondence and can be offered to inmates as part of our College Prison Programs for the Incarcerated.

Please complete the information in the box that says, “Start Here” or call us at (877)391-3741 to begin your educational journey with ICCS.